For most people, balancing caeer and personal life is a tough juggling act! The goal is to make time for activities that are most important to you. When your work life and your personal life feel out of balance , stress - along with its harmful effects - is the result. Balance doesnt mean doing everything at the same time. on the contrary, you need to be firm in what you can and cannot do, to achive work-life balance. Determine your Piorities and set boudaries. Only you can restore harmony and reduce stress in your life.
Fight the guilt. Remember, having a family a job are okay for both men and women. You do not have to choose one over the other
Learn to say "no". Is a coworker asking you to head an extra project at a time when you are already so loaded with work? It is okay to respectfully say "no". Stop thing out of guilt or a false sense of obligation. Make room in your life for those that bring joy and are meaningful for you.
Leave work at work. With today's global business and technology, there's no boundary between work and home. So make a counscious effort to separate work time from personal time. Enjoy moments like meal time, exercise time or simply hanging out at the mall or in the comfort of your living room!
Protect your day off. Make sure it is totally relaxing. Schedule some of your routine to-do's on workdays instead. For example, shopping for groceries for the holidays during your day off is a no-no
Re-think your cleaning standards. An unmade bed every now and then will not impact the qulity of your life. Learn to relax. Don't be to obsessive-compulsive, do only what needs to be done and let the rest go.
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